Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Down to the Wire, Updates, Photos, and THANK YOU

Hey there!  It's been quite the harrowing week.  We received notice from the Sheriff's Department that our house is scheduled for Sheriff's auction on June 13, 2013.  On that date, they will transfer ownership to the highest bidder, and then change the locks on the house.  So, we need to be out *before* June 13th.  After the Sheriff's auction any of our things left inside still "technically" (Sheriff's office lady used air quotes when explaining this) belongs to us, but we'll have to make an appointment to be let in to get it, so it's just much more complicated if we don't get our stuff moved out before the eviction date (date of sale).

The notice came like a sucker punch.  While we were expecting the news, with all the putting-off that has happened for the last 6 months, I think Brian and I both expected the date would be later, though neither of us verbalized that to the other.  As one dear friend so poignantly said to me after the notice came, "Even knowing the inevitable will come doesn't always prepare you for impact."  So very true.

So, we are definitely down to the wire now.  There is much to be done and little time to do it.  I sent an email to many friends and family last week stating these things, listing off many things still needing attention, and giving dates for when Brian will be out there working on the house.  And the response to my "hail Mary email" (as Brian calls it) has been really profound.  We had a few new faces out in Quincy this past weekend,  in addition to some of the "usual suspects".  I wasn't there as it still isn't a Nolan-friendly environment, so I was home with Nolan and a few other kids.  But Brian tells me they got quite a bit of priming done, I think all the walls are patched, ceilings are patched, he was able to check the roof to see what exactly needs to be repaired (it's WAAAY up there!), and got the windows ordered for the two rooms that need them most (those are being donated by a dear friend).  There were other things that are escaping me now.  Brian knows it all, but between working a full-time job and fixing up a dilapidated old house in all his other time, he barely sleeps, let alone has time to update the blog.  :)  So, I'm doing my best to update you all!  Some new photos are below. (More to come!)

We still have many needs - a bathtub/shower for the upstairs "attic", as Gabriel calls it (because that's what it looks like!).  We need paint.  If anyone would like to donate a can to a good cause, we're your cause! :)  And, well, Brian says he'll email me a list, so I guess I'll add more later.

Brian and I are just so overwhelmed and humbled by the outpouring of love for our family during this tremendously lengthy and difficult trial.  We have always been people who have tried to "pay it forward", to help others whenever possible.  And this experience has allowed us to see and feel what that is like from the other perspective.  There really are not words to describe what it is like to have people take care of your family and help you in ways that sometimes you didn't even know you needed.  The notes of encouragement, the prayers, the funds, food, building materials, the time, energy, blood, sweat, tears.  So much has been poured into our family these past two years, and we are so grateful to so many people.  Thank you all for allowing God to work through you to help our family have a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothing to wear. There is so much to be thankful for.

Please continue to pray for us.  Mostly for Brian.  Six months of working non-stop with no break, no weekends, no days off, most of the time not even a good night's sleep, is challenging for anyone - even for my machine-of-a-man. :)  I am so very thankful for him, and I'd like for him to stick around for a while after we actually get to live in this house he's building from the inside out.  So, please, continue to pray for his safety, strength, energy, and health.


"He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint."  Isaiah 40:29-31
Miss R

Resident Toad. Yep, he lives in the basement.

Creek on property, flooded.

Mister G 

Andrew the young man, with Resident Toad.

Andrew primed the entire dining room.  Go, 12 y.o.!!

primed dining room

He did the trim, too, after these photos.

He slept for a week after this. (nah, I'm kidding!)

Part of the "grand parlor" (great room)
grand parlor

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