Saturday, April 27, 2013

Updating the Old Blog

Current state of things in Noblesville house :)
Okay, Okay, so it's been over a week again, and still no update.  I know,  I know.  I'm sorry, we're just busy with not-so-important stuff like educating and caring for 6 kids, packing, unpacking, looking for things we need but can't find because we're packing (and unpacking), building a house from the inside out, dealing with flooding, etc, etc.  You know, just mundane every day stuff, right? :wink:

We have a lot on our plate, folks, even when life is at "baseline", we have more stress than your average Joe.  Like a few weeks ago when Nolan tried on a new backpack and had an anaphylactic reaction to it!  What?! I know, right!?!  It was insane.  But that is our life with Nolan - zero to 180 in no time. Flat.  But, have you met the kid?  He's totally worth it.  :grin:  (He recovered fine, by the way.)

The update on the house is that we have WALLS, and a CEILING in the parlor (that's a living, room for you urbanites).  Brian is finishing up skim-coating in various upstairs rooms, and then it's priming and painting, priming and painting.  Andrew (12 y.o.) primed one whole wall (big walls - large country rooms, with almost 10 foot ceilings) last weekend, being the hard-working little man that he is.  Andrew also took photos, but they're on his camera and I haven't downloaded them yet.  So, photos to follow.

Still on the to-do list before the place is Nolan-safe - lots of cleaning.  Drywall dust everywhere, people!  And cabinets installed in the kitchen.  (Remember those awesome FREE cabinets?!  Yep, well, they're still on the back porch.  So.)  And, did I mention the priming and painting?  And, eh-hem, don't forget about the bird infested attic.  Oh, yeah, today Gabriel found a bird's egg in the house...and...he dropped it.  Splat.  Tears.  Oh, what fun this adventure continues to be!

Still on the "we need" list - We still need a small bathroom sink and vanity, and tub/shower for the upstairs bathroom.  The cabinet/sink/vanity my uncle gave us is super-duper-fabulous, BUT, we don't have enough time to make it work, because it is so big it will require moving the downstairs one upstairs.  Brian already estimates he has about 12 full days of work left in the house (on the weekends, in his "spare time"), and that is NOT including a major bathroom overhaul.  We also need...wait for it....paint!  And primer!  And elbow grease!  Manpower!  Helpers!

Thanks for reading.  Please continue to pray for us.


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