Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kitchen Cabinets, and Prayer Requests

Hello blog world!  We are still here, though we've been down with the flu (as in influenza - upper/lower respiratory infections, ear infections, fatigue, aches, high fever and general nastiness), so forgive our bloggy absence.  We've wanted to keep you all up to date, but have literally not had time or energy for the last 2 weeks to do so.

Kitchen cabinets on the back porch for now
Brian has continued to work both his job and on the Quincy house, except for one day when the flu took over and he was delirious in bed with fever.  The next day he was up and off to pick up our FREE KITCHEN CABINETS - for which we are SO very grateful!  Thank you to Elizabeth who knew of our need and to her sister and brother-in-law who were so very generous in giving us their beautiful white cabinets.  It is still unbelievable.  Brian was really hoping for WHITE cabinets, and as someone recently said to me, God is in the details.

Please continue to pray for us.  Things seem to have slowed down quite a bit as far as finances and manpower.  While everyone else's life picks up speed as the year progresses, it seems we are still in somewhat of a time warp.  We have been given more time from the Sheriff's office, telling us the sale may be as late as mid June now (sale = eviction).  It's kind of a double-edged sword - being given more time.  More time means we have more time - it means the pressure of getting it all done is eased a little bit, however!! -  However, it means that the end of this LONG trial is dragged out a little longer, and our family continues in this limbo world of not really having a home.  One house in demo and unlivable condition, the other in boxes for the last 5 months.  We have moved around the boxes, gone without certain things we thought we wouldn't need in January when we packed because we thought we'd have to be out in February.  We had packed school things, thinking it would just be a month without them, and since have had to unpack several (unlabeled) boxes to find things we cannot continue without.  It is in all honesty, chaos.  

The Lord brought to my mind this morning, "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Galations 6:9  Please pray for us - the temptation to grow weary is great.  Our children are fighting the temptation.  The older ones are becoming weary.  It is very unsettling for them.  We have tried so hard to keep it steady for them, to focus on joy in trials.  They have endured so much and have really done so well.  Please pray for the Lord to give us wings to fly through this last bit, as it is becoming hard to even walk.  Please pray for helpers to be many, for us to find more resources that are needed, for supernatural strength of mind, heart and body for Brian and the rest of us, and for us to get over this nasty virus that has taken our time and energy.  

Thank you for your prayers and for all the help you have given to this point.  We are so grateful.

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