Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why a blog?

Welcome!  If you've come to our Quincy House Blog, chances are you are looking for ways to help with, or are just curious about, our house. Now, in case you are wondering about the blog title - I have it on the authority of the guy that cleaned out our septic tank that our new abode resides squarely in the middle of "God's country". Apparently, we can also do "anything we want out here in the middle of God's country", which is certainly one of the reasons that we chose the house in the first place.

I want to express my sincere appreciation to everyone who helped us along the way.  While we had to go through some major turmoil to get to this place, we are excited at the prospect of this house and what it can be for our family after we get some life back into it.

Our resources are quite limited now, so as we get ready for the first phase of repairs, I'll try to let people know through the blog so that they might lend a hand where they feel led. Basically, we have two goals right now. The first goal is to make the home livable for all of us, and the second is to work towards renovation of the property to something a little nicer than just livable.

A quick overview of the things that are needed include the following:

  • demolition (to take out all of the stuff that is just too bad to fix) 
  • carpentry work
  • trim carpentry work 
  • plaster and/or drywall repair 
  • flooring repair 
  • window repair/replacement 
  • siding and soffet repair 
  • scraping and painting 
  • landscaping 
  • concrete work 
  • well; I suppose just about everything. 
If you happen to be good at something, whether it's on our list or not, I'm sure we can put your skills to good use. Contact me and I will let you know when we would be able to use you for that. If you just show up, I'm sure that I can find something for you to do. ;-)

If you know of anyone that is going to be discarding building materials, or used cabinets or anything really, please contact me. We need to acquire some cabinets and flooring materials for the kitchen for sure. I think that we can work around the rest for now. Also, if you know of anyone replacing their old windows with new ones, I'm sure their old ones would be an upgrade for us!

So, that's about it. I'll start with updates as I have the time and we do something noteworthy.  Thanks for visiting!

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