Saturday, December 29, 2012

Finally - Oodles of Photos!!!

Front of house from driveway
Most of these blog posts are done by Brian, but this is Lindsay here.  When we went out to the Quincy house two weeks ago (which was the first time I actually set foot in the house!), I took a lot of photos with my phone.  But when I tried to put them on the blog I ran into all kinds of trouble due to my hoarding too many photos and videos on my phone, and the fact that 2 of our computers crashed - sheesh!  So, after much ado, I am finally able to post these here.  My phone has been uploading photos to Google+ for an entire week, but it's finally finished and - viola! - here they are.  I wish I had more detailed photos of some things, but at least there are many photos of the property and the house - inside and out.  I know these are things many people have been waiting to see, so - here you go!

View from front porch facing east

View from front porch facing north
Front (north side) of house

Woolly worms!

Back side (south side) of house

east side of house

Tree climbing adventures galore

looking out over west end of property

lunch break on the back porch

Multiple tree stands on property (aka FORTS)

All I could think was "this is a photographer's playground!"

creek on property

looking at house from west end of property

The girls are quite happy with the new stomping grounds

Standing in kitchen looking through to parlor

kitchen with rear porch/laundry room off to right

looking into dining room from kitchen

looking through dining room to parlor and front porch

The grand parlor

Looking through parlor and dining room; coat closet at left

stair well

looking from stairway down into parlor

southeast bedroom

roughed-in second floor bathroom

southwest bedroom (aka the CAT room - yeck!!)

Master bedroom (northwest bedroom)

northeast bedroom

stairs to attic (previously bird infested)

large attic

more of attic

stair landing

Kids find adventure everywhere :)

south side of house

front porch glory  :)


  1. Great job on the pics, Lins! This is a cool way to document the progress that will be made. I read something last week: you can buy a house but it takes a family to make a home. Matt and I both do hope we'll be able to get up there to help with the demo/reconstruction/moving process, whatever we can do! Love you guys! Amy

  2. Have you had the electrical systems looked at. I would be willing to inspect for any deficiencies.
