Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Water Heater, Bathroom and Wood

Thanks for looking in, sorry for not posting for awhile!

We have had lots of help, thank you to everyone who has donated time, materials or money. Certainly prayers have been felt as God has answered many needs through the help of his people. Pretty neat how the Holy Spirit works in conjunction with people to accomplish things.

Since my last post, we were able to acquire a water heater. Someone (unnamed donor - you know who you are!) offered us $100 towards a water heater. I found an older "hydrostone" 100 gallon water heater. This thing is a beast!! Weighing in at about 575 pounds empty, it was quite the harrowing experience to get it into the basement. With the help o three STRONG volunteers, it is now sitting comfortably in a corner!

My brother and I did a job last month where an older gentleman was placed into a retirement home. His kids didn't want the 4 tons of black walnut, cherry, oak and pine that was in his basement. A they say, one mans trash is another mans treasure, so we hauled it all out to the house. The cherry is now installed in the bathroom as flooring and I have high hopes of using the other wood throughout the house.

This past weekend we installed flooring in the bathroom as mentioned, reset all the fixtures and I almost have a working bathroom again! Just need to plumb in the tub. Hopefully will have that and some shelling built by this coming weekend an then move to the kitchen.

Have a great day!

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