Sunday, January 13, 2013

One Step Closer

Thanks! to everyone that has been able to come out and help! We really do appreciate it. This week we were blessed with help from family and friends. We were able to get our concrete foundation "footers" poured for our main support beam that we installed last week. We were able to reinforce and mostly rebuild the stairs to the basement. They had pretty much rotted away! We were able to get the kitchen joists lifted to "level" and the bathroom is "level".(Big thanks to A and M! for coming from NC to help!)

We mopped the upstairs multiple times with bleach/water and soap (Thanks uncle D!) trying to kill the obnoxious cat urine odor, tore out the bathroom tile (as part of the lifting project, Thanks P!). We were able to reroute, and plan some wiring fixes (Thanks Dad!)

I was HORRIBLE about taking pictures this weekend as I spent most of the time on the back in the mud under the stairs! or on my knees in the mud on the concrete, or, well you get the idea, it was muddy!

We have had GENEROUS gifts for building supplies, and I know that a lot of people are still looking. We REALLY appreciate all of those supplies. Possibly will have someone willing to help out on the water heater, which would be a huge blessing.

The "girls" all stayed home this weekend (except #2 who wanted to hang out at the new place) and packed. #2 boy was the little man of the house and apparently had a good time playing with his nieces. I am so blessed to have a family that has helped through this "crisis". I am so thankful that things have turned out the way that they have. We are growing closer, developing stronger relationships and learning to trust. It's fun. Thanks again to all! What a blessing you have been to us!

For those that asked....

Update on the chimney/fireplace. Looks like it's going to be big bucks to get the fireplace up to "snuff". More money than we want to spend on it at this time. The point of fixing it was to help heat the house this winter. Of course, being strapped for funds, and having received an estimate that is way outside of our ability to pay, I started the DIY research on chimneys, fireplaces, etc. Apparently, and had I just thought about it sooner it makes sense, the fireplace is net heat LOSER and not what we need anyway. So, the focus has changed to a wood stove insert which which actually help to heat the house, and still be within reach if I can find a used one that work and ran the liner up the old chimney myself. Know anyone has one setting in their barn or garage? :)

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