Monday, March 18, 2013

A Moment to Reflect on God's Provision - by Lindsay

God provides.  It is wonderful to know from the Bible, and from the accounts of others.  And it is something entirely different to experience.  God does indeed prompt His people to give, to help others, and when His people follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit, the result can be something indescribable. Life in this fallen world is often hard, but God is good to us, and over the last several years we have been in awe that as life has gotten harder and harder, His goodness became greater and greater.

This past month, we came to the end of our funds for the house.  Between December and February we'd been given some money and gift cards to be designated for use in fixing up the Quincy house.  Those funds were very helpful in making the many improvements we've made so far.  But a couple weeks ago, we ran out.  Brian prayed to the Lord, "We need about $5-600 more to complete the plumbing, duct-work and a few other things that are currently under way.  What now Lord?"  And you know what?!  Within the next week, we received another $450 in gift cards to Lowes!!   The people who gave those gifts had no idea the immediate need they were meeting.

This brings to my mind many examples of "random acts of kindness" we've experienced in the last year.  Not to minimize the on-going acts of love and support we've had from friends and family who knew what we were going through.  There have been many gifts of money, time, blood-sweat-tears, and prayer for our family, which have really helped meet many tangible needs.  We continue to be amazed at the way our friends and family have helped and continue to help us during this challenging time.  

I believe the Lord knows the depth of our needs and that our families cannot be burdened in helping us with everything (I don't mean that they view helping us as a burden - not at all!).  In addition to the ways our loved ones have supported us, we've also been given help and support from perfect strangers.  The most recent example being Indiana Foundation Services donating two days worth of labor to fix our basement/foundation.  (I know many are looking forward to seeing photos and hearing about all they did, we are working on that post!  So, stay tuned!)  And my brother, Luke, (not being random or a stranger, but I can't mention this example without mentioning him) contributing the cost of the materials for that work to be completed.  These were amazing acts of love, generosity and kindness to our family.  (Okay, I know I use the word "amazing" a lot, but you'll just have to deal with the redundancy, because in this case, there just is no better word!) :)

If I could, I'd like to share a few other examples of "random acts of kindness" we've experienced during the challenging year we've had recently.  

~ As you know, have 6 children and live in a neighborhood where our house is driven by most of the neighborhood traffic because we are on the main entrance road.  People in the neighborhood know we have lots of kids, as our kids like to play outdoors a lot.  Last summer, in the midst of struggling through major financial crises, a neighbor I'd never met before knocked on our door.  She explained that she had a daughter that had a lot of clothes she'd outgrown, and she knew I had a lot of kids, didn't know how many...5?  I smiled.  6.    She said she thought I might be able to use them.  A huge garbage bag full of clothes, plus another of shoes.  And yes, 2 of our daughters were younger than hers and could use those clothes.  This was such a blessing as I had not been able to buy many clothes or shoes for about a year before that, but she didn't know that.  She had no idea!

~ Now, I know that Christmas is not a "need", per se, but this still is a beautiful example of someones generosity toward another person she barely knew.  In the fall I had been attending a weekly meeting at a local church for about a month and a half when a woman that I barely knew approached me and asked if she could help with our Christmas for the kids.  This was the second year in a row that we couldn't give our kids anything for Christmas, which I hadn't actually told anyone, but they all knew we were really struggling, losing our home, in bankruptcy, Brian's wages were being garnished at the time for a business debt he owed which they sued him personally for, etc.  Humbly, gratefully, I said - sure, of course, thank you.  Well, the week before Christmas she met me with 6 copy paper case boxes full of gifts, plus 2 other larger boxes, plus a box of canned goods.  OH. MY. Goodness.  Here we were at rock bottom financially, and my kids got more presents than they had ever received before!  And they were not expecting it, I kept it a surprise until Christmas morning.  They were perfectly happy and content knowing we were just going to have pancakes and watch Mary Poppins (from the library) for Christmas morning.  What a morning we had!  Wow.  Turns out she works at a school and had the kids she works with all contribute to the boxes for our kids.  We were in awe.

One more...
~ This past December was an exceptionally difficult month because the garnishment had been going on for about 7 weeks and I knew we weren't going to be able to make it the last 2 weeks without something changing.  The garnishment was supposed to have been stopped the minute we filed bankruptcy (which was 12/6/12), but turns out the lawyer didn't tell us all the details and it actually took much longer for that to stop.  SO...about halfway through December I opened the mailbox to find a card from a friend I volunteer with.  Opened the card to find gift cards to stores we use for groceries and gas, enough to pay for groceries and gas the rest of the month!!!  Her note explained they were from her employer, who had asked my friend if she knew of a family that needed help during the holidays.  She told them about us.  I cried, completely overwhelmed by the love, generosity, joy.  She had no idea things were even more bleak than usual.  Certainly her employer didn't know.  

These things and more have been experiences in the last year that have shown the Lord's love to us in such tangible ways it is undeniable.  We are continually humbled and grateful, and I pray that these stories touch your hearts as much as these things have touched ours.  Because they do.  They get us right at the heart. There are so many hurting, needy people in our world, all around us. May we all open our eyes to see how we can give and love and spread God's goodness to others.

"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.  As it is written:

“He has dispersed abroad,
He has given to the poor;
His righteousness endures forever.”
Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.” 2 Corinthians 9: 8-11

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